Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 3

Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 3

 “Shrimp’s Odyssey” is the third episode of the first season of Smiling Friends.


When a poor shrimp calls the Smiling Friends hotline after being kicked out, Shrimpina, Pim and Charlie have very different ideas about how to handle the situation. The audience finally votes on the great new fifth Smiling Friend, Smormu.



The beginning of the episode asks people to call a number to find out whether or not to introduce the fifth member of the Smiling Friends; Smorm.

Pim goes to eat a bowl of peanuts, but Alan points out that it’s a bowl of worms he bought for compost, with Charlie declaring that Pim really needs to get some glasses. Charlie and Pim then receive a call to help a man named Shrimp deal with the loss of his girlfriend Shrimpina. Charlie decides that the best course of action is to improve Shrimp’s appearance in order to find a new girlfriend, but when Pim sees that he is still obsessed with Shrimp, he believes that if the two go on a blind date, they will rekindle their relationship. Pim heads to Shrimp’s workplace and finds her to be an attractive barista and falls in love with her in the process of arranging a date with her and Shrimp. Meanwhile, Charlie takes Shrimp to a clothing store, a tanning salon, and a gym to help Shrimp find a date, but each place ends more disastrously than the last (he looks like a school shooter in the clothing store, which probably gives him skin cancer at the tanning salon, and the gym crushes him back.) Pim has a dream sequence of living with Shrimpina until she dies and tells Charlie that the mission is over so he can date Shrimpina himself.

The two meet at the Spaghetti Disco, but as Pim confesses her feelings, she realizes that Shrimp is drowning her sorrows with Charlie. Realizing that Shrimp will likely never find another girlfriend, Pim abandons his goal of dating Shrimpa herself and sets up a blind date. However, it turns out that Pima’s bad eyesight led to him going to the wrong address, and instead of picking up Shrimpina, he ended up with a random woman named Jennifer. However, Shrimp’s looks and obsession with Mouse Quest are all Jennifer wants in a man and the two begin dating. Out of nowhere, Smormu appears and tries to cheer Pim up by singing The Streets of Cairo, with the narrator declaring that Smormu is a permanent cast member, with the “yes” and “no” votes being judged by barely a “yes” majority. of the popular vote as opposed to a barely “no” majority of the electoral vote.

The end credits (which are dedicated to a different deceased person in each episode) revealed the unfortunate fate of Smormu, who died shortly after the episode premiered and his full name was revealed to be Smormu James Carter.


Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 3 Transcript

It’s Smormu! If you want Smormu to be your fifth smiling friend, text SMORMU at 555-0100. And if not, text NO I REALLY REALLY REALLY DON’T WANT SMORMA to 555-0100.
[play intro]
Oh, what a beautiful morning! Ready for another exciting day, Glep?
Goof off
Charlie opens the door and walks into the room.
Good morning Charlie, would you like some peanuts?
No, I’m a good person. Uh, my grandma passed from eating your peanuts, so I don’t really mess with that kind of thing.
Oh my god, that’s terrible, I’m sorry.
No, it’s okay, you didn’t know that.
pim what are you eating
Oh, just a bowl of peanuts.
That’s not peanuts, that’s my bowl of worms from my compost.
Oh… oh, I could have sworn it was peanuts.
Give it to me.
Alan takes the bowl of worms and leaves.
Pim you really need to get your glasses man you just ate worms.
No, no, I will, I’ll get them eventually, I’ve just been too busy to go to the optometrist.
You say it for seven months, man.
[phone rings]
Mr. Boss. he runs into the room and answers.
File:DiaMr. Boss.png
Hello? Uh-huh? Yes. Good. Okay, sure.
Hangs up.
File:DiaMr. Boss.png
Guys, I just got a call from a young man who sounded absolutely desperate. You can aim and help him before he goes “Koo-koo! Koo-koo! Koo-koo!”
Sure; yes, we are happy to help. You are energetic today, Mr. Boss.
File:DiaMr. Boss.png
Yes. Probably because I ate some of those worms before.
Cut to Pim and Charlie in the caller’s apartment.


It’s open.
Charlie fights the door open.
Um – Smiling friends, are you the guy who called?


Yes, I called, it’s me, Shrimp, that’s my name.
Ay, Shrimp, what’s up, man?


Sigh, my girlfriend just broke up with me. I have a broken heart.
Ah. Sorry to hear that, Shrimp.


Shrimpina meant everything to me, only now I realize she is gone, I never fully appreciated her.
Hey man, don’t get too beat up about it, it happens all the time. We’ll help you find a new girl.


But I don’t want a new girl, I just want Shrimpina back.
Yeah, Charlie, he can get her back! I just think he needs to tell her how he feels.
Pim, sometimes it just doesn’t work out, well she obviously dumped him for a reason.
[Computer sounds]


Yay, I just leveled up-




In Mouse Quest.
What if we put them on a blind date to get them back together?
If you think it’ll work, go for it, fine, but I’ll stay here and help Shrimp get back on track.
I’m sure it will work! Shrimp, where can I find shrimp?


Works at 1-5-3 Meep Boulevard.
Are you really going to do this?
That’s the difference between you and me, Charlie! I believe in fate –
Pim runs out of the apartment.
Shrimp, you don’t have to get back with your ex, okay, you have to get your life together. Only then- [cough] excuse me heavens, uh, women will be attracted to you. Let’s start by getting some sunlight in here.
Charlie opens the curtains at the window.


He quickly draws the curtains.
Oh my-woah, sorry, we’ll start small.
Cut to Pima trying to set Shrimp up with his ex-girlfriend.
Okay – 1-5-3 Meep Boulevard. Mm, this is the place.
He opens the door.
Number fifteen. Could I have number fifteen?
Sure thing mate!
(thinking) Oh my god! Is that Shrimpina?
Um, hi, hi, hi, how are you?
What can I get for you?
Uh, actually, I just wanted to give you these, you- they’re not from me, they’re from your secret admirer.
Secret Admirer? Oh my… this is all so sudden. I was just in the process of moving on.
This particular person just wanted you to know that he really cares about you!
[laughs] I like your hair.
Oh, this old thing? Uh, yeah, it’s actually just an exposed nerve ending, but thanks. Uh, anyway-
[laughs] I like it. It reminds me a bit of ‘Spaghetti Shrimp or something’.
Ah; do you like spaghetti
I love spaghetti! Especially the spaghetti they make at Spaghetti Disco is always so delicious!
Oh, uh, well, funny you say, your secret admirer wants to take you there for dinner tonight.
Really? God, it all sounds so… romantic.
Oh, – great! So will you be there? At the Spaghetti Disco, at seven?
… sure, I’ll go. After all, I believe in fate.
Oh my God! Are you okay?
[quickly] Yeah, yeah, it’s okay, I think I had a bad dose of worms before, um, okay, bye!
Pim leaves the store.
Cut to Charlie trying to fix the shrimp starts at the “Handsome Lads” store
Okay, now that we got you out of the house, the next thing is to dress like a real adult. Okay, first off, just one, screw the mouse, dude. Just get rid of it.
Charlie grabs a jacket from the wall and signals Shrimp to change into it.
[from dressing room] I hope Shrimpin likes my great new outfit.
Look, I told you, man, you gotta get over her. Good? There are many more fish in the sea.


[comes out of dressing room] What do I look like Yellow Man?
Y- you look like you want to tell your boyfriend not to go to school tomorrow, man. Uh, but that’s nothing a tan can’t fix.
[The shrimp are tanned in a tanning bed known as Tan 4 U.]
Wow, look at that. Um, you have that iconic shrimp glow that everyone is talking about.
[The green guy from the tanning salon comes in, wearing a towel.]
File:DiaTanning Salon Guy.png
Hmmm! Boiled shrimp. Hmmm! [Leaves]
Dude, you let that guy bite you. why didn’t you fight back


I’m too afraid of confrontation. Aah
You know what? I think I finally know what your main problem is.
[Charlie and Shrimp head to a gym full of exercising men and animals.]
The single best thing you can do to get your life in order and be attractive to chicks is to get in shape and become an alpha male like me. Okay, Shrimp, uh, the easiest thing to start with is probably this 100-pound squat.
[The shrimp puts his hands on the weights and raises them while grunting, then the man walks towards them.]
File:DiaGuy in Gym.png
Yeah, no, what you have to do is hold yourself right. You need to straighten your back and be aware of the placement of your feet because your feet are wrong.
[Charlie and the guy talk at the same time.]
Charlie: Oh, yeah. Thanks man.
File:DiaGuy in Gym.png
Guy at the gym: The center of gravity should be in the heels.
Yeah, like, sure.
File:DiaGuy in Gym.png
Yeah. I mean, because what you’re doing, the way you’re doing it, you’re going to pull something out if you keep doing it.
It’s OK thank you. We have it. We have it.
File:DiaGuy in Gym.png
You, me too –
We got it, man.
[Gym guy walks out]
don’t listen to him. He’s just showing off. Okay, now do as I told you.


[Shrimp grunts as he picks up the weights, but they fall on him, Shrimp then screams.]


[Pim is shown lying on a bed in a bedroom drawing with a pencil in a notebook.]
Good. Spaghetti Disco, 7:00, wine and music – perfect. After this date, I’m sure Shrimprina, who to be with… wanted to be. Ah!
[Pim closes his eyes and has a dream sequence of him living his life with Jennifer until he dies.]
We smiled. And that’s how it all started. And you came on time. When I needed someone. And we said hello. Sure enough, my heart was beating fast. So it’s you. It’s you. I was waiting for. So long. So long. so it’s you It’s you. Where have you been all this time? Very special moments. Special moments. These will always be with me. We are here, you and me. Belongs to me.
[Pim wakes from his dream and gasps as his cell phone rings.]
Hi Pim, how’s the date going?
Well, actually…
[Pim grabs a notepad to see Jennifer’s drawing.]
She said she wasn’t interested. There will be no date.
Well, at least you tried. Anyway, wanna help me with the shrimp?
No, that’s fine. You can finish the job without me.
Pim stops the cell phone call.


What did the pink man say? When will I see my shrimp again?
Look, I hate to break it to you, Shrimp, but I don’t think she wants to see you again, man.


Ah. I’ll be alone forever.
Why don’t we go for a drink man? It is up to me. [accidentally hits the shrimp in the neck.]


[Pim sits on a seat at the Spaghetti Disco.]
Oh my God. I do not know if it is correct. i have to get out of here
[Approaches Pim] Oh, it’s you. Is my secret admirer here yet?
[laughs] Yeah. Uh, look, before I get into this, I just wanted to tell you that when I first came to your job, it was for a different reason. But when I saw you, I felt something. I have never experienced before. And I know it sounds crazy, but…
[Pim sees shrimp in the distance and Charlie in the Spaghetti Disco bar behind Jennifer.]
Oh my god. Are Charlie and Shrimp here?
Damn, shrimp. You’re just, like – you’re just, like a damn (bleep) man. [slurps spaghetti] Oh! And I’m not even trying to be offensive or anything, but I don’t know how you even had a girlfriend.


That’s why I don’t even bother. [Starts drinking his spaghetti drink.]
Yeah I know. I’m just saying, you’re just, like – you’re just, like – really, really fucked up (beep). I really feel bad. It’s not even your fault, man. You’re just a shrimp. You were born that way. You were born that way. You were born a shrimp. You can’t either – it’s your nature.
So what did you want to tell me?
[Pim looks at Shrimp sobbing in the distance while Charlie comforts him.]
Uh, never mind. Uh, come with me. Your secret admirer is actually here.
[Pim and Jennifer head towards Charlie and Shrimp, who turn to see them.]
Pim, what are you doing here?
Here is. Shrimp has been your secret admirer all along. The date was actually his idea. He really cares about you and would like to give the relationship another chance.
Who is it?
Your ex-boyfriend – Shrimp. Wait, you’re Shrimpina, right?
My name is Jennifer.


I have never met this woman in my entire life.
Pim, who is that? Where did you meet this woman?
I went where Shrimp told me to go, the coffee shop at 153 Meep Boulevard.
Pim, there is no cafe at 153. There is a cafe at 158. You went to the wrong place.
W-well, wait a minute. What about that thing you said in the coffee shop, like, move on or something?
Yeah, my ex-boyfriend Jason died in a motorcycle accident a few months ago.
Jesus Christ, man. Pim. Pim. Ohhh!


Where is Shrimpina?
I have no idea. Probably at home. I don’t know. Pim, have you even seen Shrimpin once, once?
Charlie, I-I don’t know. I think not.


So, uh, do you like Mouse Quest?
Wait, are you serious? Are you telling me you’re a 4’6 shrimp with a receding hairline who loves Mouse Quest? You are… literally everything I’ve ever dreamed of.
[victory music plays]
[Jennifer and Shrimp start chatting.]
Pim, her name was Shrimpina. Shed

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