Pim Pimling

 Pim Pimling is one of the two protagonists of Smiling Friends. He is a kind creature fully dedicated to helping people find happiness because that is his job at Smiling Friends Inc.



Pim is a small animal with pink skin. His eyes are asymmetrical in size; the eye closer to the viewer is always smaller. It also inhibits huge, scribbled, circular pupils and exposed nerve endings that appear as a single thin hair.


Pim wears a white button down shirt, indigo shorts with a black and yellow belt, and black shoes.


Pim is a happy happy person who has a passion for cheering people up from their sadness. He is a bundle of joy and always happy to help friends, family and even strangers. Pim also likes to show gratitude by kissing people. Despite his good nature and the moral compass of Charlie, his best friend, he is shown to be naive.

This is shown in many moments, one of the most memorable being when he was on a mission to make a suicidal person smile and shout “I LOVE KIDS!!” in public. Charlie notices this and tells him it’s not a good idea to shout in the suburbs.



As seen in the episode “Desmond’s Big Day Out”, Pim comes from a very dysfunctional background and has a particularly strained relationship with his sister. In that episode, Pim’s father was shown to usually argue with Pim’s mother.

He later got a job at Smiling Friends Inc. and formed friendships with his colleagues.


Relation ships

Charlie Dompler

Charlie is Pim’s best friend and co-worker at Smiling Friends Inc. Although they have very different personalities and sometimes clash in their personal methods of making their clients smile, they get along quite well outside of work. Pim, an optimist, on a rare occasion expresses his exasperation with Charlie’s cynical and unmotivated attitude, as seen in “Charlie Dies and Won’t Come Back”, and is able to hold a heated debate with him. Despite this, Pim values ​​his friendship with Charlie to the point where he becomes increasingly jealous of Mipa’s influence over him in the Enchanted Forest, even turning into an angry Gollum-like creature. When Charlie was killed by a falling tree, Pim was horrified and devastated by the loss of his closest friend, but was ecstatic when God resurrected him.


The Boss is Pim’s superior at Smiling Friends Inc. Pim looks up to Boss and tries to satisfy his needs, even if it means going to the haunted forest to collect firewood. Pim expressed concern about Boss’s mental state when Frowning Friends Inc. was formed across the street, and was horrified to see his superior feasting wildly on the arm of a dead forest demon on Halloween.


Alan is Pim’s co-worker at Smiling Friends Inc. The two didn’t interact much, except for Pim accidentally eating some of Alan’s compost worms and accidentally shooting Alan in the eye with his pellet gun on Halloween.


Desmond is one of Pim’s clients. Pim was surprised by the state of Desmond, who was about to shoot himself because of his family who had abandoned him and was desperate to prove to him that life is worth living. Despite having dinner with his dysfunctional family, attending a house party, and having fun at Daveland, Desmond was unconvinced and continued a depressing nihilistic monologue about how the world would eventually be destroyed and that living life was pointless. This sent Pim into a catatonic state of shock and depression that lasted several days.

Grim and Gnarly

Grim and Gnarly were Pim and Charlie’s rivals who worked at the short-lived Frowning Friends Inc. Pim objected to the duo’s negative influence on people and attempted to reverse it. Despite this, Pim was surprised when Grim and Gnarly were thrown to their deaths by arrows fired by The Renaissance Men.


Prawns are one of Pima’s clients. Pim went to find his ex-girlfriend Shrimpina to help Shrimp reconnect with her, but he mistook Shrimpina for a human cafe worker named Jennifer. Pim fell in love with her and decided to lie to Shrimp about not finding Shrimpina to date himself. He met Jennifer at the club, but saw Shrimp crying over his failed relationship at the bar. Pim changed his mind and introduced Jennifer to Shrimp. He was surprised to find that it hadn’t been Shrimpina all along.


Pim was very distrustful of Mipo and envied his budding friendship with Charlie. Pim also believed that Mip was robbing him of completing his first Enchanted Forest quest, which he dreamed of as a child. Charlie and Pim’s fight over Mip’s princess package resulted in Mip being fatally impaled on a spear. After Mip’s death, Pim immediately regretted his actions and suspicious behavior towards the dwarf and vowed to complete the quest for him. However, his opinion of Mip was immediately destroyed when he learned that he was the princess’s stalker and that the package they gave her was a makeshift bomb.


Jennifer is a cafe employee whom Pim briefly drives mad, mistaking her for Shrimp’s ex-girlfriend Shrimpina, whom he was tasked with finding and helping Shrimp reconnect with. Pim envisioned a life with Jennifer in which they married, had children, watched their children marry and have children of their own before dying together of old age. However, that never happened because Jennifer started dating Shrimp.

Forest demon

Pim encountered a forest demon while collecting wood for his company’s Halloween party. Pim was terrified of the creature and tried very hard to escape its pursuit. However, as the partygoers beat him to death and tear him to pieces, Pim looks on in shock and disbelief.

Steven Pimling

Do you kiss your father on the mouth?

-Charlie, “The Enchanted Forest”

Steven is Pim’s father. Although nothing is known about their current relationship, Pim apparently had an affectionate bond with him as a child. Even though Steven claimed that Pim wasn’t ready to go to the Enchanted Forest, he said that maybe one day he would be, which boosted Pim’s confidence and made him kiss his father on the mouth.

Amy Pimling

Amy is Pim’s sister. Although Pim claims they have a good relationship, Amy openly denies this, stating that she truly hates Pim and does not love him in any way shape or form. However, this might have impressed her boyfriend Alpha.

Goof off

Glep is Pim’s co-worker at Smiling Friends Inc., although the two have not interacted much.

Behind the scenes


Michael Cusack


“Desmond’s Big Day Out”

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